College And Young Adult Counseling

We help young adults come face to face with their abilities in a deliberate effort to help them conquer their weaknesses. Medicine Wheel offers a strength-based treatment approach where the individual’s strengths, values, interests and needs are integrated into the development of a personalized treatment plan.

Our program is specifically designed for young adults eighteen and older. We understand these young adults often need more emphasis on overcoming depression and anxiety, as well as addictions.

In 2003, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, published the results of a study involving over 13,000 college students on mental health related problems over a thirteen year period of time.

The results of this survey were not only significant, but the findings indicated that the increases in college student depression, college suicidal thoughts and college sexual assault counseling were dramatic.

The number of college students seen each year with depression doubled.  During the same time period, the number of suicidal students tripled and the number of students seen after a sexual assault quadrupled.

Since the early 2000’s, college students across the nation consistently report college stress and anxiety problems on a more frequent basis than relationship problems. With the dramatic increases seen in the number of students seeking help for depression and suicidal thoughts, do parents and educators need to begin asking why this trend is growing at this alarming rate?

I have years of experience working with college age adults and can help you navigate the difficult challenges you face in college.

If you are wanting to meet with Stephen Anthony, there are two ways to setup an appointment with him: 1) Fill out the Contact Form and he will call you with 24-hours; 2) Call our offices at (970) 640-2428.

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